Work Experience
We believe that work experience is a vital part of our of curriculum offer, and can be beneficial in helping students in making decisions about their onward routes. We aim for every student to have a valuable experience of work whilst at school with us. Below are some of the skills you can gain through work experiences.
Work experience teaches you new skills, or shows where you can further
develop the talents that you already have. Learning on the job will teach you
things you might never learn in the classroom.
In many areas of work, who you know can be as important as what you know.
If you impress your manager, they will remember you – and it could lead to a
job in the future.
A stronger CV
Your CV isn’t just a record of the exams you passed and the schools you went to.
Relevant work experience will help it to stand out and show that you’re committed
to developing your plans for the future.
A good reference
A reference is a letter from your manager, talking about the skills and qualities that you showed or learned while doing work experience. This will help you in the years ahead, when applying for jobs. And if you have a LinkedIn profile, put your experience up there and ask for an endorsement from your manager or colleague, so that potential employers can see the good work you’ve done.
Work experience says ‘you can do it’. You can turn up to work on time, do the job, help your workmates, and get stuck in. This not only pleases employers, it also increases your confidence in the workplace.
For more information on work experience at your school, contact the Careers Leader Kate Baynham or your individual Keyworker.
Could you offer one of our students a work experience placement?
All you need is...
Public liability insurance and a safe working environment. Our independent risk assessment company will come out to ensure the student will be safe whilst they are with you (usually takes 30 minutes) and we will make contact with yourself to agree everything before hand and make sure we are sending someone suitable.
If you are an employer and would like to offer our students a work experience opportunity please contact us below.