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At LPW school, our aim is to help students to choose a career that is right for them. We are fully committed to careers education and guidance (CEG). LPW School offers independent, impartial careers advice and guidance regarding education, employment and training to all students.  This is delivered in a number of ways including one to one meetings, visits, inspirational speakers and our employability qualification. Students are able to choose options from across a wide range of academic and vocational courses


We employ our very own careers advisor who is a registered practitioner with relevant careers qualifications. They provides careers information, advice and guidance to learners at LPW Independent School and young people we work with in the community who can meet face to face with the career advisor and receive a personal action plan to help them with their post 16 options. Further meetings are available where additional support is required.


Year 11 students will have the opportunity to receive a personal action plan to help them with their post 16 options. Further meetings are available where additional support is required. You can find our Career Education Information, Advice and Guidance policy (CEIAG) on our Policies Page.



If parents/carers/professionals would like more information about career options for their child, please contact the school and we will put you in touch with our in-school Careers Leader

Nicola Lace.jpeg
Nicola Lace 
Careers Lead
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Polly Barners
LPW Schools named Governor 
Career's Team

LPW School

Princess Street, Bedminster, BS3 4AG


T: 0117 907 4500 

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